Saturday, December 12, 2009

Lena West Response

I had some trouble viewing the chat, but I was able to get the gist of it.

Ms. West provided a great deal of information on website interactivity.

West's knowledge of social media as well as other types of interactive media was very impressive and left me with a yearning for more knowledge within these subject matters.

Luckily, I have embraced twitter, Linkedin, etc. through this class and can take her advice to further my career as an online journalist.

I do realize that I need to learn a bit more about HTML and JavaScript, as my knowledge in these subjects is limited. I am decent as dream weaver, but there are programs that I just do not know how to use.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Randall Rothenberg Chat

Mr. Rothenberg was able to convey his business side of journalism to us very clearly and intelligently. From him, I understood that money really matters in the media business. His knowledge and expertise of freelancing gave an in-depth and closer look into the world of freelance reporting. One thing he defiantly pushed was the ability to make contacts within the industry. From the very beginning of his chat, Mr. Rothenberg made it clear that creating a portfolio of your work is a great way to get noticed.

As of now, my website located here is a type of portfolio for the next generation of freelance writing. I am very confident that in creating this website, my work is being displayed in an accessible fashion.

What Mr. Rothenberg has done with his career in media is adapt, something that you must do in order to stay alive in this business. When he was faced with different opportunities, he was able to cash in on them with his wide range of talents and knowledge. This is something I aspire to do within my own media universe.

I know that in a business that is ever changing, one must evolve to survive. Just like Darwin said :)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Robert Downey Jr. and Augmented Reality

The new edition of Esquire magazine features an alternate reality censor on the front page as well as at various places throughout the website. The censor works with the built in web cams on most computers. The interactivity is absolutely amazing and gives the magazine a new feel to it that may be the future of print.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Anazei Modu Response

The most important piece of information I received from Ms. Modu’s chat was that “you are not your degree.” She was able to relay to me the fact that you can use whatever skills you gain to do what you want to do. I understood her point that whatever you do in life, you need to put “your heart and your soul” into what you do. Even though she was an architect, she was able to pick up the set of skills that she learned and apply them to many different things. She lectured that learning the skills to do something is only half the battle. This is extremely important to where I want to go in my life with journalism due to the fact that I am taught certain things in college, but it is how I apply those skills that will eventually get me a job in the real world.

Christie Wins

Republican Chris Christie is now the governor of New Jersey. Check the political section of my main site for an article on the election as a whole.

Reginald Ponder Response

Mr. Ponder was really able to expand upon our already important basis of branding yourself. The best part of his chat was where he further explained the importance of making sure your myspace or facebook account corresponds with the brand you are attempting to put out to potential employers. This information will help me modify my facebook profile in order to make myself more employable. Mr. Ponder’s advice should help most people in our class change their outward online appearance so potential employers do not make their decision on hiring them based on their facebook or myspace profile. Unfortunately, this has happened in the past, and may continue to happen in the future. Branding yourself is extremely important to eventually getting a job.

Monday, November 2, 2009

First Post

This blog will be the one stop center for my thoughts on new knowledge gained in the media world. Also, check here for responses to guest speakers in my Intro to Professional Writing class.